Vote for Hawaii Life in HGTV’s ‘Fan Favorite Friday’ Binge-Watching Marathons
Glued to your couch? As we all continue to stay #hometogether, we’re consuming content and binge-watching our favorite TV shows at unprecedented rates.
The HGTV network is tapping into that and giving viewers the chance to participate in a friendly showdown each week through May 1st. Two top network series will go head-to-head each week for a coveted marathon spot. Viewers can cast their votes for their favorite binge-worthy series.
The winning fan-voted series will run in back-to-back episodes in marathon viewing sessions on “Fan Favorite Fridays” beginning at noon (ET/PT), from April 10th through May 1st.

A recent “behind the scenes” photo taken of HGTV’s Hawaii Life film crew with our company’s CEO Matt Beall.
How to Vote for HGTV’s Hawaii Life
We’d love you to cast your vote for HGTV’s Hawaii Life television program. Fans of the show can vote for the Hawaii Life television series beginning on April 17th, on HGTV’s social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We’ll be competing with You Live in What? for the Friday, April 24th binge-watching marathon.
- Hawaii Life features Hawaii Life agents and brokers on Oahu, Kauai, Maui and the Big Island as they tour Hawaii properties for sale and help their clients find the perfect new Hawaii home to meet their family’s needs. It also follows everyday families as they realize their dream of living in Hawaii.
- You Live in What? viewers can tour some of America’s most far-out houses and discover how unlikely buildings from lighthouses to candy factories and gas stations have been transformed into families’ dream homes.
Other HGTV Fan Favorite Matchups
In the coming weeks, fans can continue voting to ensure their most loved series makes the next “Fan Favorite Friday” cut. Upcoming matchups include:
- Rock the Block vs. A Very Brady Renovation. Voting opens April 3 for the Friday, April 10 marathon.
- Flea Market Flip vs. Nate and Jeremiah: Save My House. Voting opens April 10 for the Friday, April 17 marathon.
- Hawaii Life vs. You Live in What? Voting opens April 17 for the Friday, April 24 marathon.
- Windy City Rehab vs. 100 Day Dream Home. Voting opens April 24 for the Friday, May 1 marathon.
About HGTV & Hawaii Life
HGTV is a top 10 cable network that is distributed to more than 87 million U.S. households. attracts an average of 10.3 million people each month, with a social footprint of 21.2 million.
HGTV’s Hawaii Life television series, now in its 13th season, sees more than 20 million U.S. viewers each week, plus more viewers across Canada and online, thereby exposing our clients’ listings to an unprecedented viewing audience. You cn
See also:
A Young Couple’s Memorable Journey On HGTV’s Hawaii Life
HGTV’s 2019 Ultimate House Hunt Concludes With An Overall Winner – Kohola Point on Kauai!
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