Does Maui Have Four Seasons?
“I’ll Follow the Sun!”
As we approach the winter months we see the return of welcome visitors, affectionately termed our snowbirds. With international travel opening up again, we are excited for the return of our holiday-makers who have had an enforced two-year halt on Maui vacations.
Maui Welcomes Back Its Visitors (and the Whales!)
Every winter the magnificent humpback whales return to Maui from the north Pacific, crossing thousands of miles annually to return to a basin of about 30 miles in diameter for their annual pilgrimage to spend winter months in precisely the same place every year. Here they mate, give birth and play! The Alaskan waters summon them to feed in April instinctively back to their kitchen that is the north Pacific.
Winter in Maui… Snowbirds, Whales and Rain?
Some may ask “is there a monsoon season in Hawaii?” Winter admittedly does invite more rain than our summertime months, but no, we don’t have a monsoon season. I’m currently sitting at my desk in my south Maui office, gazing out on to a rare downpour… ok… I’m exaggerating, it’s more like a scattered shower. Rainy days are the exception not the rule on Maui, even in our winter months. We had a very dry summer so the rains come as a blessing. With almost immediate results, with just one heavy rainfall all the dry fields pop emerald green again with new growth.
The Rainbow Connection
Hawaii claims above all to be the rainbow capital of the world. “Islands are the best places to view rainbows,” according to Steven Businger, professor of atmospheric sciences at the UH-Mānoa’s School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology. “This is because island terrain lifts the air during daily sea breezes, producing localized showers surrounded by clear skies that let the sun in to produce majestic rainbows.” Based on a recent UH study, climate change indicators show even more rainbows are on the proverbial horizon for the Aloha State.
Being Caught in the Rain is Like Being Spritzed by Nature!
I am of course sensitive to the rare stretch of days when it rains in Maui falling within a much anticipated weeks’ vacation — let’s admit, a vacation coupled with rain is not what one would hope for — so coming to Maui and having rain may feel disappointing. Yet, even in rain, there is still plenty to do, Maui offers more activities than any island in the world!
Golf, hiking, water sports…arguably can be enhanced by a scattered shower, and you’ll most likely be gifted with a rainbow.
There is a saying, “it never rains in Kihei!” being that it is the driest part of the island. Even so, when it rains you can literally drive to another part of the island to seek out the sun. For example, Pukalani, which translates to “hole in the sky,” sits on the leeward slopes of Haleakala where a large wind eddy often makes a clear opening in the clouds. Hana is our official rainforest so most likely if rain is in the forecast we may anticipate it will rain there. We have the rain to thank for our most beautiful waterfalls. Besides, as they say in Hawaii, no rain, no rainbows!
So, back to the question, does Maui have four seasons? The answer is …. we have two seasons, whale and not-whale season.
Basically, whale season officially begins December 15 and runs through May 15. May 16 through December 14 is our non-whale season although you may well have sightings of whales as early as September, so eager are the humpback whales to be back in their basin playground! Significantly during whale season water sport activities like parasailing and jet-skiing are suspended to give sanctuary to the whales as they play in Maui waters.
The majority of days in Maui are sunny, hence our weather reports are relatively static and predictable. It’s why I followed my inner compass to be here. I admit I have a perpetual craving for sunshine. At the close of even a Maui day I feel that yearning as the sun dips into the ocean. Certainly my destiny has been shaped by my love of good weather.
Here’s a snapshot of what you might expect forecasted for Maui as we approach our winter….Sunshine, Trade Winds and Scattered Showers!
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