
Census 2020: Why It’s Important to Hawaii and You

The 2020 Census may be the furthest thing from your mind now that we are “living in a Covid world.” I’m here to tell you that this is something as important to your future as washing your hands or following good public health practices.

Why Participate?

You may not be aware of how federal funding for local, county, and state programs is allocated. Important services like where schools and new housing developments are built and how many police or firefighters are needed, are determined in some part by census results. The truth is that a lot of dollars are directed your way due to the population reported by the census every 10 years. Yes. Every 10 years, you have a chance to raise your hand, be counted, and do something good for your community. A great positive way to go “viral” is to participate in the Census and spread the word to 10 other people. Ask them to spread it to 10 people and so on…

The Census statistics also determine how many representatives you have in the House of Representatives as well as the number of Electoral College votes the state carries. The future plans for your community, new homes, businesses, and neighborhoods are influenced by these numbers. There are few things you can do so easily to make a big difference in years to come.


Traditionally the Census has been conducted door to door and also by snail mail. Now you can be counted by going online and completing the survey in less than 10 minutes. That’s probably less time than you spend on TikTok. Here is the link: https://my2020census.gov/

Is there a downside?

No. All information is confidential. This is not a Big Brother conspiracy to invade your privacy or exploit you. People who may be afraid to report due to immigration status or race should not be intimidated. There is no question regarding citizenship. You may elect to skip a question if you choose, and you will still be counted.

Is this really necessary?

As a matter of fact, it is required by the United States Constitution that an accurate accounting of all people in the union take place every 10 years. And yes, it is your civic duty to do so. If you don’t live in Hawaii yet, I still encourage you to take part in the Census to benefit your home state. Lastly, it’s the RIGHT thing to do. So please, just do it.


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