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Maria Alice Acatrinei


My passion and purpose have always been driven through my family. My children have grown up in Hawaii from an early age. Through their eyes I have enjoyed the Hawaiian Culture and Experience. Hawaii is a special place which I call home and provides me incredible contentment.
Having lived in four Continents and 10 countries, over the past 25 years, I have grown to enjoy people and culture. This has given me a true sense of belonging and helped me to build my own Investment and Real Estate Portfolio. I have assisted many and also guided Entrepreneurs on building their own Portfolios.
I enjoy helping clients with finding their special HOME which measures their needs. Every home is unique. Every buyer is looking for a home to satisfy their own dreams.
Buying or selling homes involve both financial and emotional decisions. They should be done at the right time.
I hope my global vision in Real Estate and local knowledge will allow me to represent and help you through this process of discovery and opportunity.

Maria Alice
homevalue.hawaiilife.com/mariaaliceacatrinei Find your home value Use my automated home value estimate tool.