Born in Honolulu and raised in Hawaii Kai, Liah has an in-depth knowledge, understanding and appreciation for O'ahu, its culture and neighborhoods. Liah spent her upbringing dancing with Halau Hula ‘O Namakahulali for many years, outrigger canoe paddling throughout high school at Magic Island on Saturdays and playing lacrosse at Kapiolani Park on Sundays. Liah is an alumni of the Honolulu Waldorf School, which she attended Pre-K through High School. She still holds strong ties to the local and international Waldorf community.
Liah graduated from Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington cum laude with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and a minor in Environmental Science. All of this while playing women’s varsity lacrosse in the icy cold winter and spring of northeast Washington State.
After graduating from college, she moved to Portland, Oregon where her family relocated and started a real estate investing and home-remodeling company with her mom. After fully renovating and selling several 100+ year old Portland homes in a year and a half, Liah quickly grew an in-depth understanding of home construction, the material supply chain, remodeling, refurbishing, design and architecture. Buying, remodeling and selling several properties before the age of 24, made getting her real estate license a natural next step.
Liah’s drive and passion for real estate has brought her back to the islands where she has partnered with long-time family friend Julianna Garris. Liah’s organized and thoughtful nature, along with her experience in home remodeling and her partnership with Julianna Garris makes her an excellent person to have in your corner.
When Liah’s schedule permits, she enjoys hiking, the ocean, skiing, traveling, taking Japanese language classes, playing on the Wahine Lacrosse team and spending time with family and friends.